Skincare Superfoods

People often forget to consider what they eat as having an effect on their skin. I’m here to tell you why it is so important to understand what you put into your body and recognise how this can have a major effect on the appearance of your skin.

It’s not as easy as just one single ingredient which will cure any skin concerns you may have. In the same way that there is not a single ingredient you eat which fuels your body. There are lots! Superfoods are a big un’.

So… what are skincare superfoods and why are they so good?

Superfoods are essentially foods that are nutritionally dense and will in turn provide your skin with the antioxidants it needs for replenishing. You do not always have to eat superfoods to get the benefits, there are also plenty of skincare brands that ensure superfoods to be key ingredients in their products that you put directly onto your skin.

Below is a list of some superfoods which have been thoroughly researched and provided results proving them to be highly beneficial for your skin.


If you’re anything like me and you have sensitive skin, then chia seeds are where it’s at. Not only are they a rich source of Omega-3, but they act to reduce sensitivity and redness of the skin. They are also great for reducing inflammation. Eating them is not everyone’s cup of tea with their jelly like texture, but fear not, chia seed oil is commonly used in anti-redness products so keep an eye out for it in the ingredients.

Perricone MD, Chia Seed Oil, £79

The Ordinary, 100% Chia Seed Oil, £7.50


A spice filled with antioxidants, it also inhibits melanin production which means it is amazing for people struggling with hyperpigmentation. When used consistently over time, turmeric can have a very positive effect in creating a more even and smooth skin tone. One thing to note about turmeric is that ironically, it is very pigmented and therefore it is not advised to use everyday as it can stain easily. I like to get turmeric via powder form to have in my smoothie or a tumeric latte is always a go-to for me!

Sunday Riley, Vit C & Tumeric Facial Oil, £68

Naturya, Turmeric Blend, £9.99


Your antibacterial bestie. Acne and breakouts are often caused by a build up of bacteria. Drinking green tea or using products with green tea extract will noticeably reduce signs of acne due to it’s ability to fight the bacteria which causes breakouts. Furthermore, green tea is very hydrating which is always a plus for your skin, and has been said to be one of the best ingredients for anti-ageing. It possess an antioxidant called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which fights DNA damage from UV rays and in turn helps to reduce signs of ageing.

Herbivore, Jasmine Green Tea Balancing Toner, £35

Clipper, Pure Green Tea, £3.29


These are another winner when it comes to anti-ageing. With their high content of antioxidants, blueberries can also help to protect the skin from UV damage and subsequently reduce signs of ageing.

Sunday Riley, Antioxidant + Superfood Facial Oil, £27


This is a food that is as good for your body as it is for you skin in that it posses a number of vitamins (A,B,C & K). It can be seen as a detox superfood and is often used to aid with minimising pores.

Youth To The People, Superfood Cleanser, £31


I have a love hate relationship with avocado as I can never really make up my mind as to whether I like it or not. Despite this, I can’t deny its benefits when it comes to skincare and the body. Not only do avocados possess Vitamin A and E but they a great superfood for restoring the skins barrier as they are very high in Omega-3. These are the kinds of fatty acids that your body needs!

Kiehls, Avocado Nourishing Hydration Mask, £38

Neal’s Yard, Vitamin E & Avocado Night Cream, £27


I’m very pleased about this one as I love sweet potato! They are very high in Vitamin C as well as encouraging collagen production. Collagen is important in skincare as it is a protein which helps to keep your skin pump and firm.

So… give it a go and incorporate some of these into your diet and watch as your skin and body thank you for it!


Your Skincare Essentials: In Flight


My Skincare Journey