My Skincare Journey

It feels like I have tried an obscene amount of skincare products from high-street to high-end before finding what really works for me and gives the results I am looking for. And even now I still switch it up from time to time.

skin in natural light

My skin Jan 2023 in natural light.

Everyone’s skin is different and therefore not everyone will react the same to certain products or ingredients. It is important to recognise that there are a number of factors that affect the feel and appearance of ones skin. These can include, but are not limited to, your environment, genetics, stress, routine etc. It is often very hard to determine what one factor may be causing skin problems, because, more often than not, there is not ONE factor and there is not always a simple fix. It can take time, dedication and most importantly, consistency, to see true, long-lasting results.

Whilst growing up I felt lucky to never experience severe acne and it wasn't until my teenage years at school that hormonal acne made its way onto my face. These ones were hard to shake. In hindsight I recognise that this is entirely expected at a time in your life where a lot is changing in terms of hormones and puberty which can have a very poignant effect on your skin. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself!

skincare concerns

This is my skin aged 16/17. (My main concern was texture)

As I got older I became more obsessive over my skin and the desperation I felt to have ‘perfect’ clear skin became more and more apparent. I saw various dermatologists, tried every skin peel and facial under the sun and spent a large sum of money on a variety of products. Nothing seemed to work. At this stage in my life I really didn’t know a lot about the science behind skincare or even really what skin type I was myself, and therefore what would be best for me. This lack of knowledge meant that most of what I learnt about skincare was through trial and error. It makes me squirm to think now of what I put my skin through hoping that if I was aggressive enough with my approach that this would be beneficial and clear my skin forever. I was very naive to believe this and have come a long way since in my beliefs.

skincare comparison

The difference in my skin from 17 - 23. (I still have scarring from being too aggressive)

My mindset now with my skin is very different to how it used to be and I try not to be too obsessive. I feel very in tune with my skin and listening to what my body needs. Our hormones play a large part in this and our skin as well as our body often needs different things throughout the month. I like to have a strong base of products I swear by which I consistently use as well as extras which I mix up in my routine depending on what I feel I need at any particular time. Most importantly for me is doing what makes my skin feel loved and looked after and that which allows me to feel the most confident.


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