5 Ways To Calm Stressed Skin

I’m sure we have all had those moments where it feels like our skin just isn’t on our side. There are so many reasons why you skin can flare up and sometimes it is hard to pinpoint exactly what went wrong. Things such as climate, stress, diet, allergies and hormones can all be reasons why your skin might start to act up. Even when you’re feeling stressed it can show in your skin.

I know first hand that when my skin is flaring up it can be very debilitating and create feelings of anxiety and cause me to become self-conscious. We often panic to find a quick fix and end up over stimulating our skin with things that may not necessarily be helping. It is important to attempt to understand the root cause and from there, take the necessary steps.

As previously mentioned, it can be hard to know exactly what causes stressed skin so I am breaking down for you, 5 ways to calm your skin which should help in most situations.

  1. Hydration is KEY

It is so important to hydrate from the inside out. Not only should you be using products which have very high hydration qualities, but don’t forget that it is not only important to think about what you put on your body but what you put in it. Therefore, make sure that you are drinking lots of water to ensure that your skin stays hydrated as this is a key component to the healing process.

If you are really dedicated, you may even want to do some research into some skin hydration recipes as there are plenty out there from soups to juices using very hydrating and skin-loving ingredients.

2. Sleep

I can sympathise with this being an obvious yet annoying one. Although we would all like to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, it is not always the case. However, lack of sleep as well as bad quality of sleep, certainly play a part in causing your skin to flare up. It is important to get enough sleep as not enough can contribute to increased cortisol levels. Try to wind down an hour or so before you go to sleep and avoid too much exposure to blue light.

3. Sweat it out baby

There is huge amounts of evidence to support that if you feel better in your body, you will feel better in your mind. Even as little as 10 minutes a day, whether it be giving your body a good stretch of getting some fresh air and going for a walk, your body and mind will thank you, and so will your skin! Exercise is very effective in reducing cortisol levels and in turn reducing stress. How can this help your skin? It will reduce inflammation, stimulate endorphins and increase blood circulation.

It basically = happy skin.

4. Back to basics

So, when it comes to your skincare routine whilst your having a flare up, strip it back. You don’t need to be applying product after product in the desperate hope that something will work. (Although I know the urge is there!) What will work best is ensuring you use eliminate the use of products with fragrance, alcohol or anything artificial. This is advice I would follow all year round, but particularly when your skin is feeling stressed. Remember that it’s the biggest organ in your body, so shouldn’t we treat it as well as possible. No nasties.

5. Trust the process

This step is easier said than done, but a highly effective one nonetheless. Stress plays such a big factor in the both the way that we feel physically and mentally as well as translating in our skin. If you are allowing yourself to get worked up then it is going to be a slower process to calm down your skin. Trust the process and know that it won’t last forever. If you follow the necessary steps and give it time, then naturally your skin will return to normalcy. Loving yourself is key and knowing that flare ups are only temporary and you are likely to notice it and care far more than anyone else.


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