6 Things You Can Do To Better Your Morning

Mornings can be tough. We’ve all been there when your deafening alarm goes off and hitting snooze multiple times seems like the perfect solution to all your worries. You’re tucked up under your duvet and the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Now although the idea of poking a leg out of your bed seems like the worst one, it has to be done at some point. I’m going to breakdown 6 things that can make getting out the safe cocoon of your bed just that little bit easier.

  1. Drink water: I don’t know about you but I often wake up desperate for a sip of the sweet nectar that is water. Drinking water first thing in the morning has been proven to have positive results on digestion as well as increasing your energy levels and mood throughout the day.

  2. Make your bed: Now that you’ve had your water and you’re up and out, it’s time to make your bed. As humans we like to feel accomplished and there is a sense of achievement to making our bed in the morning. Not only does it make it less likely for you to crawl back in, but studies have shown that it often leads to increased productivity throughout the day.

  3. Get your body moving: This doesn’t need to be a gruelling workout in the gym, we don't all have time for that. Go for a walk, do a few jumping jacks, practice some yoga, whatever sounds right for you. But some form of physical movement in the morning is shown to have highly beneficial results to both your mental and physical health.

  4. Journalling: Call it whatever you want but writing down your thoughts or plan for the day can be a very helpful way to organise the goings on in your brain and gain clarity. You can write for as long as you’d like but even a few minutes to jot down some notes is said to make a difference.

  5. Meditation: There is great evidence to support the use of meditation for reducing stress and anxiety as well as increasing focus. If you are able to take 5-10 minutes every morning to focus on your breathing and simply be in the moment, evidence suggests that there are a number of benefits this will provide for your mental health and quality of sleep.

  6. Don’t check your phone first thing: I know this one is hard for most people and I am definitely guilty of postponing getting out of bed because I’m deep in a TikTok hole. However, it is something I am working on, and something that has proven results. Our phones are extremely stimulating and contain a number of stressors which don’t do us any good first thing in the morning. When you first wake up your mind is in a state of calm. Wouldn’t it be nice to prolong that as long as possible? Put your phone down.

Now I know that if you currently do none of these, then suddenly incorporating them all into your morning routine is not realistic. However, if you can slowly introduce some of these habits everyday and be consistent even with 1 or 2, then you’re bound to dread mornings a little less.


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